
Minecraft Server Reset
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Author:  Gman [ Mon Feb 18, 2013 7:46 pm ]
Post subject:  Minecraft Server Reset

We've opened a new Minecraft server on port 25565. It's using the same mod pack as the last server, just updated... and we added Mystcraft. You can download the instance here. Set it up the same way you did on the last server.

Since after about a month, server activity tends to die, we're going to do something we've never done before: give you the opportunity to keep some stuff.

We're going to keep the old server running alongside the new one for a week. That gives you time to craft what you want to craft, pack up what you want to pack up, and get your shit together. You'll be allowed to take your full character file over to the new server, so fill up your inventory with goodies and contact myself, fomenta, or Deadman on ventrilo/steam/etc and ask us to move your character file over for you whenever you're ready.

We'll only move your character file over for you ONCE, so get it right the first time. Make sure you have new/repaired/charged armor/tools/whatever and are ready to go. Once your character file is moved, you can spawn into the new server and start playing. Do not use bags to get additional resources to the new server. We will check character files for bags before we move the character and if you're caught with any canvas bags/backpacks/etc, we'll delete your shit and you won't get to carry anything over. Thaumcraft research WILL be saved if you move your character file over.

Note: you do not have to invoke this option if you don't want to. You can choose to start fresh, and that's fine if you want to.

We've built an area for a n00bfest city. You'll be allowed to form teams or develop a plot of land individually. Whatever you build doesn't have to be your permanent residence, but it would be nice if everyone would contribute to a centralized project. We may even do some type of contest in which the person(s) who built coolest building/development in n00bfest city wins a prize of some sort. You'll spawn in the city when you join the server. Some squares have already been claimed, and a few are open. If there aren't enough squares, contact myself/fomenta/deadman and we'll help you pick an appropriate spot to build a new square.

There are a few new rules we're going to enforce as well.

1) No crystal chests

2) Absolutely no quarries between -500, -500 and +500, +500. That'll give us almost 16,000 chunks of unraped land that you know you can run through.

3) All quarries between -1000, -1000 and +1000, +1000 will need to be filled with water. This can easily be accomplished by putting a water source in the quarry before you start digging with it.

4) No large explosives (this means nukes) or large wildfires within the -1000/+1000 range I described in rule #2.


Author:  ResinCactus [ Fri Feb 22, 2013 1:30 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Minecraft Server Reset

edit: will this mess with twilight at all?

and i try to put this with the ftb, and the ftb wants to update D:

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